NetPBX - Ucall Help




Welome to the Telkea UCall Mobile App Help page.

This help page will give you some tips and tricks how to use the app rather than a standard user documentation. As usage is more or less similar between iOS and Android based devices, we will simply advised when a difference occurs depending on OS

We've tried to design the app so that it's intuitiv enough.

Login screen:

In the login screen use your MyIstra credential you use in the MyIstra Desktop app. You must also enter the mobile number associated with your account in the E164 format (+....)

If you have already logged once, you can use Apple TouchID to login, simply hit the "login" button in this window and you will prompted for finger print

Welcome screen:

This is the welcome screen:

From this screen you can quickly access to all main features

How to place a call:

you can place a call from the app or, if you use an iOS device from the native contact app.

to place a call from the app, enter the contact menu using the botton left icon:

to place a call from the the native iOS contact app, search you contact and hit the call button:

iPhone will display the list of communucation apps installed on your device:

Simply select Telkea UCall to launch the app, which will automatically launch the call.

How to receive a call:

a call placed on your office desk number will be presented on your mobile device as any other mobile call, but you will be informed in the screen that it is an incoming Ucall call = a business call on your PSTN number (and not your mobile number). Of course this requires your app to be in "logged" status

Which network is used for a call:

Depending on the mobile localisation and settings a call (in or out) will either use a data connection (Wifi or 4G) or classical mobile voice network (so called 2G)

Remark : 3G/Edge will not permit a "data" call, call will be then done over 2G

First user must set the parameter in the way he prefered to :

- allow or not call on 4G

- allow or not call on Wifi

for this enter the settings menu from the welcome screen using the top right icon:

select the VoIP menu:

you can decide if voice will use VoIP (over 3G/4G/5G or Wifi) or not,if available:

NOTE : if settings are not activated or networks are not available (only 2G, Edge, GPRS), calls will use 2G network but DATA IS MANDATORY to inform system about a call using 2G( few bytes send by the app)

When no data at all is available, call will not be possible

When call tries to use 2G, you will get such a prompt:

The proposed number to call is either the direct DDI number of the person/service you want to reach if known by the platform OR your own DDI in the platform. Thanks to the info sent by the app to the platform prior to the call, platform will be able to map that call to the real number you want to reach

For instance you can dial +35212419 in your app. Your app will propose you to dial +35220809999 (=your own DDI) and however you will reach +35212419

The ID you will show will be your DDI - fix phone identity and not your cell number

REMARK : for this to work, you CAN'T hide your mobile identity!

How to change your identity:

In the welcome screen, select in the middle of the screen":

This will bring you to the identity selection page. All available identities are listed:

the identies can be: your own DDI, DDI of groups you belong to, or DDI from the main number

How to change your forwarding:

in the middle of the home screen, select the "call forwardings" menu:

Following screen appears:

Here you will see all forwarding rules you have previously created with MyIstra (PC, MAC or Web)

You can activate, desactivate or create a rule